Mike was in Philadelphia this weekend, at the annual Philadelphia hand meeting. This is one of the best hand conferences in the world and is spread over three days. The format is a short lecture on a topic followed by a cadaveric dissection beamed live into the auditorium.
This year Mike was invited to speak on sporting hand injuries and in particular those experienced by boxers. Mike spoke about extensor hood tears and also hand carpometacarpal base instability.
Mike moderated a session in which he showed a number of complex cases and asked various panel members to discuss how they would manage these conditions in front of a packed auditorium. The cases Mike showed were flexor injuries in climbers, extensor pollicis longus tendinitis in a collision athlete and also the management of the non-reducable dislocated PIP joint.
Mike was also invited to contribute as a panel member on discussions around scapho-lunate ligament instability. This is a highly controversial topic and each of the faculty members shared their own thoughts and experiences in treating this complex problem. Mike was able share his experiences using the tri-ligament tenodesis (modified Brunelli procedure) in both the elite and non-elite athlete.
Mike assisted Mark Rekant in a cadaveric dissection of how to use the Medartis scaphoid plate. Mike has considerable experience using this plate which can be extremely useful in difficult non-union cases that have have failed fixation using a standard Scaphoid headless screw.